A 2-ingredient Frozen Baby Yogurt Melt recipe as a quick baby food snack.
You can find the full recipe, including tips, step-by-step photos, video, storage instructions, detailed allergy swaps, FAQ, and save at: https://www.theconsciousplantkitchen.com/baby-yogurt-melts/ or scan the QR code here ➡️
In a small mixing bowl, combine 1 cup of yogurt with 1-2 tablespoons of baby fruit or baby vegetable puree. We used spinach puree, mango & carrot puree, and strawberry puree. Use 1 tablespoon of puree if your yogurt is thin and 2 tablespoons of puree for thick yogurt.
Cover a plate that fit the width of your freeze with a piece of parchment paper
Use a piping bag to drop the yogurt mixture onto the paper, leaving half a cm of space between each drop - they expand slightly, and you don't want them touching each other.
Freeze for 1 hour or until set and release the amount needed just before serving. Keep leftovers in the freezer on the plate. Don't stack them in a box, or they stick together.
Serve from 6 months of age and onwards. Make small drops for kids under 18 months old to avoid choking hazards.