This Healthy Mug Cake recipe contains only 107kcal per serving for a low-calorie healthy snack.
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In a microwave-safe coffee mug (minimum size 1 cup/250ml), whisk together the flour, unsweetened cocoa powder, sugar-free sweetener, and baking powder.
Whisk in almond milk, melted coconut oil, and vanilla extract until a batter forms. Fold in the dark chocolate chips - keep a few to add on top - or keep the batter plain.
Microwave on high power (900W) for about 60 seconds, or until you see the cake rising to its maximum height. Remove from the microwave carefully. It is hot, and check the texture. It should be moist and soft.
Sprinkle a few extra chocolate chips on top if desired, or add a dollop of yogurt for a boost of protein.
Baking option
Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C).
Grease an oven-proof ramekin with oil, add the cake batter and bake for 12-18 minutes until cooked through.
Serve immediately with toppings of your choice.
Note 1: You can also use white spelt flour, oat flour, or white whole wheat flour.Note 2: Plant-based milk works, like oat, cashew, or coconut milk.Note 3: For zero carbs and zero calories, use erythritol, allulose, or xylitol. For a healthy granulated sweetener, use coconut sugar.The nutrition panel is for the sugar-free erythritol version.