These Seed Crackers are easy healthy crackers made from super seeds to bring you healthy omega fatty acids and fiber. They are perfect as a high-protein snack! Packed with 10 grams of proteins and 7 grams of fiber per serving, they are great dipped in avocado or hummus.
You can find the full recipe, including tips, step-by-step photos, video, storage instructions, detailed allergy swaps, FAQ, and save at: or scan the QR code here ➡️
Preheat the oven to 180 °C (350 °F). Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper. Lightly oil the paper. Set aside.
In a mixing bowl, add all the ingredients except the water. Stir the seeds, spices, and oats flour with a spoon until evenly combined.
Pour the water, cover the bowl with a clean towel, and set it aside for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, stir the mixture with a rubber spatula. It should be thick, gooey, and sticky.
Pour half of the batter onto each of the prepared baking sheets and press it to spread it into a thin layer with a rubber spatula to a maximum 1/8 inch in thickness (4mm). If too thick, it takes longer to bake and won't crisp as much.
Sprinkle bagel seasoning on top and press gently into the dough to adhere.
Bake the crackers for 20-25 minutes at 180 °C (350 °F) until the top is dry but the cracker mixture is still moist. Open the oven door wide to release moisture from the oven.
Remove the baking sheets from the oven and use a knife or pizza cutter to mark the crackers. Watch out, the cracker dough is still soft and fragile at this stage. This step is only about marking, pressing the knife to mark where you will cut the crackers later. As you mark them, push the pieces away from each other a little so, when they return to the oven, their moisture extracts better.
Bake again for 25-35 minutes, or until golden and hard. Watch them closely as the baking time really depends on how thick you roll the crackers.
Stop the oven open door halfway and keep the crackers for an hour in the oven on the baking sheet. They firm up as they cool down in the oven.
Note 1: These are the seeds that firm up the crackers. You can't swap them.Note 2: Chia seeds are the second seeds that firm up the crackers. You can't replace them.Note 3: Any flour work like chickpea flour, all-purpose flour, or all-purpose gluten-free flour. Note 4: Or onion powder.Note 5: You can also use other spices like paprika, smoked paprika, or turmeric.Storage: You can store the crackers in a sealed airtight box for 1 week, no need to refrigerate them.